Hedging Currency Risk: A Guide for Businesses

In today’s global economy, businesses of all sizes are increasingly engaging in international trade. While this opens new opportunities for growth, it also introduces the challenge of currency risk. Fluctuations in foreign exchange rates can significantly impact a company’s profitability. This guide will help you understand the importance of hedging currency risk and provide practical strategies to protect your business from adverse currency movements.

What is Currency Hedging?

Hedging is a risk management technique employed by businesses to offset potential losses resulting from currency exchange rate fluctuations. It involves entering into financial contracts or using financial instruments that provide protection against adverse currency movements. The purpose of hedging is to minimise the uncertainty and volatility associated with exchange rates, ensuring that businesses can accurately forecast the financial implications of their international transactions. The primary goal of hedging is to protect against potential losses, not to generate profits. It’s a form of risk management that aims to provide financial safety.

Understanding Currency Risk

Currency risk, also known as exchange rate risk, arises when the value of a currency fluctuates relative to another currency. These fluctuations can affect businesses that have cross-border transactions, impacting everything from supplier payments to revenue received from international customers.

Example: Imagine a UK-based company that imports raw materials from the United States. If the GBP/USD exchange rate falls, the cost of these imports in GBP will increase, squeezing the company’s profit margins. If, for example, the cost of the raw materials the company wants to buy is $1000 USD and in January the USD to GBP spot price is 0.739, the price of the materials in GBP would be £759.00, however move forward to March 2024 and the spot prices increases to 0.951 the same goods cost £951.00.

 Jan 22 2024March 28 2024
USD Price$1000$1000
Exchange Rate0.7590.951
GBP Price£759.00£951.00

Why is Hedging Important?

Hedging is a risk management strategy used to protect against these kind of adverse price movements in the currency markets. By locking in exchange rates or using financial instruments to offset potential losses, businesses can achieve greater financial stability and predictability. Fiscal FX can develop and implement a risk management strategy to help you navigate the market and protect you from losses.

Glasses and USD Dollars

5 Common Hedging Strategies

1. Forward Contracts

A forward contract is an agreement to exchange a specific amount of one currency for another at a predetermined rate on a future date. This locks in the exchange rate, providing certainty over future cash flows.

Example: A European company expecting a payment of $500,000 in six months can enter into a forward contract to convert this amount to euros at the current exchange rate. This way, even if the USD/EUR rate declines, the company will still receive the agreed-upon amount in euros.

It’s important to note that while forward contracts are useful for hedging against future currency fluctuations, they come with certain risks. Locking in an exchange rate for a future date can be disadvantageous if the market rate moves favourably in the meantime. In contrast, spot contracts provide the advantage of immediate execution at the current market rate, offering transparency and reducing exposure to future market volatility. For those seeking simplicity and immediate settlement, spot contracts can be a more straightforward and less risky option.

2. Currency Options

Currency options give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to exchange money at a specified rate before a certain date. This provides flexibility and protection against unfavourable movements while allowing the business to benefit from favourable changes.

Example: A Canadian exporter can purchase a currency option to sell USD and buy CAD at a specific rate. If the USD strengthens, the exporter can let the option expire and exchange at the better rate. If the USD weakens, the option provides a safety net.

3. Currency Swaps

Currency swaps involve the exchange of principal and interest payments in different currencies between two parties. This hedging strategy is particularly useful for businesses that have long-term foreign currency exposure. By swapping currencies, businesses can manage their currency risk by effectively locking in exchange rates for an extended period. For example, if a business needs to repay a loan in a foreign currency over several years, a currency swap can help them hedge against potential exchange rate fluctuations.

Example: A Japanese company with a loan in USD might enter into a currency swap agreement with a financial institution to exchange its USD interest payments for JPY payments, reducing exposure to USD/JPY exchange rate volatility.

4. Natural Currency Hedging

This strategy involves matching currency inflows and outflows to minimise the need for currency conversion. Businesses can do this by invoicing customers and paying suppliers in the same currency.

Example: An Australian company that sells products in the US and also sources materials from US suppliers can invoice its customers in USD and pay its suppliers in USD. This way, the currency risk is naturally balanced.

5. Market Orders

Another way to manage currency risk without a specific deadline for the money transfer is by using a market order. With this form of currency hedging, businesses can identify a specific exchange rate they desire to achieve. Once the exchange rate reaches that level, the transaction is conducted. This offers more flexibility than a forward contract and can be set up with an ideal highest specified rate and a lower acceptable rate to safeguard against substantial losses. By using a market order, businesses can gain some budget predictability and take advantage of potential opportunities if the pound appreciates.

Implementing a Hedging Strategy

To effectively hedge currency risk, businesses should follow these steps:

1. Exposure: Identify and quantify your currency exposures. Determine which currencies you are exposed to and how significant this exposure is to your overall financial performance.

2. Set Objectives: Define your risk management objectives. Are you aiming to protect profit margins, stabilise cash flows, or achieve specific financial targets?

3. Choose the Right Instruments: Select the hedging instruments that best fit your objectives and risk profile. Consider factors such as cost, complexity, and the degree of protection needed.

4. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your hedging strategy and adjust it as necessary to reflect changes in market conditions and business operations.

Talk to one of our portfolio managers about setting up a hedging strategy for your business.

What are the benefits of currency hedging?

Financial Stability: Hedging provides more predictability in cash flows and earnings, helping businesses plan and budget more effectively.

Competitive Advantage: By managing currency risk, businesses can offer more stable pricing to customers, enhancing their competitive position.

Risk Mitigation: Hedging reduces the impact of adverse currency movements, protecting profit margins and overall financial health.


Managing currency risk is crucial for businesses engaged in international trade. By understanding and implementing effective hedging strategies, companies can safeguard their financial performance and focus on growth and innovation. Whether through forward contracts, options, swaps, or market orders, there are numerous tools available to protect your business from the uncertainties of the foreign exchange markets.

For personalised advice on developing a currency risk management strategy tailored to your business needs, consult with our experts at Fiscal FX.

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